

The New Atlantis Imperial Shipyards
Name The New Atlantis Imperial Shipyards
Ticker TNAIS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 911724449

Members [0]


Who We Are:
We are the Industrial Wing of The New Atlantis Empire – our job is to produce all the modules, weapons, ships and ammunition that the rest of the Empire needs to do their jobs. We are also responsible for providing the Empire with the vast majority of its financial income through public sales of produced goods, as well as contracted sales of researched BPC’s in conjunction with the Laboratories Wing.

What We Offer:
- We provide free T1 frigates and cruisers for mission running (as we know people will want to change activity every now and then)
- We are running a Mining Barge/Exhumer rental system (we provide you a ship to use until you have enough money to buy your own)
- We offer free or reduced skillbooks (dependant on loyalty and time in corp allowing you more expensive skillbooks)
- We will be willing to provide ORCA support for personal and corporate mining operations (however corporate operations take priority over personal operations)
- We run non-obligatory Mining Operations roughly 3 or 4 times a week (what you mine out is divided between those who took part and corporation equally)
- We insist on a friendly atmosphere and mature atmosphere
- Ore buyout program (we buy ore for profitable prices from members).
- Everyone will be treated equally no matter skills, ships, or character age.

Who We Need:
- Miners
- Haulers
- Traders
- Manufacturers

- Will to learn and help others to learn
- Friendly attitude
- Must be able to fly and own a Mining Barge (Retriever as a minimum)

Any applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements will be directed to The New Atlantis Academy by default – however exceptional applicants may be accepted

For further information talk with Zoltan Agate

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-10-09 22:28:25
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