

Sudden Tremor's Awww Geee Corp
Name Sudden Tremor's Awww Geee Corp
Ticker AWGE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 915213225

Members [0]


If my bio pissed you off enough to start all these wars with empty corps and fall off your stats by going so long without a kill - you must be really pissed off by now. And you will notice my bio has not been changed and no one else can figure out what ticked you off so badly - but then I asked intelligent people to read it.......

I finally looked at your killboard. "Favorite prey : Pod"

Lessee here... every ship casts off one pod and some pods get away, so how do you end up killing more pods than anything else? Somebody else get all the wheelchairs before you got there?

Oh, then I noticed that whenever anything that could shoot back was destroyed, you had "associates" in the party - so I guess they let you have the pod so you could get some kind of kill.

You stated that all you wanted to do was mess up our ability to play the game. Far from it, dude! THIS is our game! Your antics have not impaired our normal activities in the least bit - we still rake in a few hundred million every day. But YOUR schedule... HAH!! You were getting about a kill a day and now you haven't had a kill in three weeks! And you have three wars going against single noob corps who aren't going to leave the station because they aren't being played.

This is how carebears and Special Forces win wars - we don't try to out do a PvPer at PvP - we make them fight our kind of war. - the unconventional war. I hope you keep on paying those war fees and lining up to fight noob alts who just got built, will close the corp and go the bio mass in a doy or so. I'm hoping you stay stuck on stupid and never get another kill.

Every now and then some of the guys might feel sorry for you *again* and start throwing alt pods out of the station so you can jump up like a puppy after a dog biscuit *AGAIN*. Remember when we did that before? woof woof Wasn't that fun? We got a kick out of it and it looks so powerful on your kb.

So, who is laughing at whom on our respective forums? Oh, that's right - you can't find ours and we have a few guys who are posting on yours - lol

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-07-03 06:19:33
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