

Name Predetors
Ticker PREDE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 923749617

Members [0]


A Null Sec Corp specializing in T1-T3 production and PVP.

Our Corp operates out of Stain in True Sansha space.
We are currently recruiting.

For potential recruits to our Corp we are looking for PvPr', Cap pilots but also have room for other industrial pilots and new pilots who would be willing to live and die in 0.0.

Our Corp philosophy is simple - we want our members to enjoy themselves when in-game so have few rules and have no set hours, days or requirement for pilots to take part in ops unless they want to. We also put the emphasis on having a good, social atmosphere in Corp as well.

If this appeals to you then feel free to mail or convo our CEO, USAG, Brainsore, or Hakamadare for more info on us or join our public chat channel to get to know us better and see if we are a Corp you would want to join:-

Predetors Den (Public)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-01-02 20:28:32
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