

Gaiscioch Ar Dearglasadh
Name Gaiscioch Ar Dearglasadh
Ticker STOIR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 933776352

Members [0]


GAD believes that veldspar has rights to. We are committed to defending the asteroids which have no self defense of their own. Anyone caught preying on defenseless asteroids will be war deced and engaged accordingly.

We have implemented a "catch and release" program for our war deced corporations. For our accounting purposes, a screenshot of a ship in structure counts as a kill. We hope this will make corps with declarations of war on them stop spinning their ships in stations.

Combat focused corporation. If it involves firing a weapon, we do it.

Merc Work
General Acts of Piracy

If you've been a victim and would like to learn to how to victimize others, join our public channel Flip'N'Recruit and ask someone for details on how to join.

Also if u need some merc work done join our merc channel

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 11:05:55
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