

Liquid Malevolence
Name Liquid Malevolence
Ticker -LMV-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 951587973

Members [0]


Liquid Malevolence is a mission running corporation in caldari space. We are a friendly, no bullshit corporation that does exactly what we say we are. We have goals set for the entire corporation to help work towards. After all, a strong corporation with direction is an interesting corporation. Our current goals are simple. Long term and short term. Once a goal is met, we make a new one in its place to work towards it in force and enjoyment.

Current Goals:

1) minimum of 60 members
2) Have 60% of members level 4 mission capable
3) Build up corporation standings for a high sec pos
4) Grow a PvP wing
5) Have the capability as a corp to run level 4 missions at all hours of eve.

We have a small member base at the moment but with your help, this corp will have no boundaries to what it can do. We also use ventrilo to joke around, communicate in missions and give advice to others. So come join us and lets work together to make a strong corporation for all of us.

-Basic knowlege of fitting ships.
-Must be on a full account, no trial applications will be accepted.
-Mature players preferred, 16+
-Ventrilo is REQUIRED, even if you do not have a mic you are required to have it for the alliance.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-04-19 06:20:27
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