

U.S.A.T.O Prime
Name U.S.A.T.O Prime
Ticker USAT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 957167941

Members [0]


United system's against terrorist organisations

usato prime

Now recruiting fighters minners and haullers we are looking for team players too ensure the growth of this corporation wat ever your preferances we can help u with advancing your chr and providing u with wat ever needs u have be it ships n equipment, isk n adventure, skills n advice in the world of EVE. All we ask of u is that u do your part too help us too help u. We provide n support u as long as u help us.

we have battle ship support, hulk and orca minning opps a moonbase waiting for numbers too grow too go opperational again and do planet minning as well.
also soon able too put into production lines is hulk minning barge building opps.

our bpo opperation is growing as well so soon what ever you need as long as do part we can provide.

currently more urgent required positions.

** Minner's
** mission runner's

For more info contact Liberty C.O of U.S.A.T.O Prime.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-08-15 09:31:49
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