

Shadow-Raven Industries
Name Shadow-Raven Industries
Ticker SHRAI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://www.shadow-raven-industries.mmoguildsite...
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98008126

Members [0]



Shadow-Raven Industries aspires to become one of the leading Corporations in ship, Module, and Ammunition Production in the Tash-Murkon Region of Amarr Space. We will be open do Corporation to Corporation Deals once our production lines are running smoothly.


Here at Shadow-Raven Industries we will have Four Divisions in Place to maintain Growth, Profit, and to ensure that everythinbg goes smoothly. These Divisions are as follows :

Mining Division
Security Division
Manufacturing Division
Trade Division


The mining division, which will be run by The Mining Director or Overseer, is responsible for bringing in any and ALL Ore and minerals to the corporate hangars. There will be apporximately 2 Mining ops per week (THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!).


The Security Devision is SHadow-Raven Industries Formal Navy. They are responsible for the protection of the mining fleets and/or traders transporting goods for delivery. The security devision which is run by The Captain of our combat forces.


The Manufacturing Division is responsible for Producing any and all goods that will be put up for sale for the corporation.


THe Trade division is responsible for The Distribution and selling of the ALL Goods produced by the corporation.


Please go to our website for a Formal Application, once accepted please Log into the site daily, and remain Active. Once you have been Interviewed and Cleared to apply in game, please do so. Please Apply on the Website first,

Thank you for your Cooperation, and consideration in Shadow-Raven Industries.

Website -

Public Channel - Shadow-Raven Public

NuClEaR BoMb1945, CEO Of Shadow-Raven Industries

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-01-06 14:44:13
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