

Universal Civilization
Name Universal Civilization
Ticker UNICZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4.5%
corporationID 98008523

Members [0]


Peaceful but armed to the teeth...

Chain of Command structure in place.

Universal Civilization is a new corporation focussing on all areas of EVE to provide a fun, friendly and active enviroment for all our members.

Heres what we offer:

- Orca supported Mining.

- Our home system contains all the common ores required for production - Nocxium, Tritanium, Mexallon, Isogen, Pyerite - We also have an ICE BELT in system.

- Regular Operations of all kinds, like Mining, Missioning and PvP Roams.

- Fun and friendly enviroment for our members.

- Regular competitions to keep the corp active and enjoyable for all.

- Low tax rate of just 4.5% so that you keep the earnings you've worked so hard for! The 4.5% that the corp recieves is reinvested into the corp to improve areas that require it.

- We provide financial aid for mining vessels to newer players to EVE.

We accept Players from all timezones, we just ask that you can fluently speak and understand the English language. We expect members to be friendly and helpful towards each other, and encourage suggestions that help us expand together.

If your interested in applying then please feel free to do so, writing a little bit about yourself in the application text box (if you have spoken with a recruiter already you can leave this blank), or alternatively you can visit our public channel to speak with a recruiter for more info. Our channel name is ' Universal recruitment '

Diplomatic concerns Contact - Bageara

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-10-30 08:11:07
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