

Challenger Horizon Deep Space Mining Corporation
Name Challenger Horizon Deep Space Mining Corporation
Ticker CHDSM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98008832

Members [0]


The First Name in Hostile Space Resource Extraction

Corporate organisational charter of Challenger Horizon Deep Space Mining Co. (Draft)

The Corporations goals are, broadly defined, to operate industrial operations, with a particular focus on high risk operations, such as low security mining, that are likely to require PVP support. The most important objective of course, is to have fun.

The Corporation will usually have one or more specific defined goals (referred to as projects) that have an end date when the goal is achieved, such as mining X amount or building X number of ships, or recruiting X people and flying X missions for training purposes or achieving standing or defeating an enemy in war and so on. The only limits to projects are the game mechanics, our imagination, and this charter.

Participation in any project is always on a voluntary basis

Any Member or group of Members of the Corporation can set up a project, including defining for the project (for example a mining operation) how compensation will be paid to participants, the duration of the project and so on. Anybody can lead a project.

The Corporation will endeavor to support projects with Corporate resources such as Corporate bases, Corp wallets, and funds on request. The extent of support both needed and appropriate will be determined by the CEO or delegate.

Projects can be also be run to benefit the Corporation (by anybody), in which case project profits go to the Corporation. This is the only source of revenue for the Corporation itself. Voluntary donations only. No taxation of any kind.

All Corporate funds are managed by the CEO and his appointees. The CEO will keep reserve funds only for Corporate operations as needed, and for War and strategic reserves. Any excess funds will be dispersed as regular dividends equally to all members. You are encouraged to also think of such dividends as also being support for members focusing on PVP. The priority is on Members getting rich. Not on the Corporation getting rich.

To preserve the brand name of the Corporation, and to limit wardecs to a minimum, attacks on innocent bystanders are prohibited. Legitimate targets for PVP are wardec opponents, and low sec pirates. Members are expected to conduct themselves with integrity as appropriate in any civil society.

The following decisions will always be put to a popular vote by the CEO at the CEO's discretion.
a) CEO succession
b) War declarations
c) Founding or Joining an Alliance.

The Combat arm of the Corporation may institute additional requirements and organisational structure specific to its needs and applicable only to members in the combat arm. These must be ratified by the CEO.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-01-05 20:06:57
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