

Mining Exploits
Name Mining Exploits
Ticker M.EX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98009647

Members [0]


MEX is looking for individuals and small corporations who wish to integrate their own distinctive capabilities with our own in order to create greater wealth opportunties and share in the experience that is Eve. We desire pilots who prefer fleet enviroments, but also appreciate the need for solitude on occasions.

Why Join MEX?
Being a DAM Alliance member, MEX has universal reach and power, and can maintain a presence within Eve 23/7. This has several distinct advantages; there are always members online running ops, whether it be Missions, Mining, Wormhole Operations, Null Sec gank squads and other forms of PvP. We integrate our operations as much as possible, which adds another level of security when operating in areas such as Wormholes and Null Sec space. We have an active social enviroment, both within MEX and the Alliance.

Expanding on our PvP Operations, these are predominantly run by DAM. and are purely voluntary and not a requirement if you chose to join MEX. We have many members who simply chose to lead a quiet life, run mission, mine roids, and play the markets etc. MEX does not instigate acts of aggression, we as a corp avoid conflict as much as possible, but are prepared to defend ourselves if and when the need arises. Our pilots remain respectfull of others at all times, win, lose or draw, and adhere to a strict "no smack talk" policy.

Naturally we offer full support in many areas of Eve life, including but not limited to;

+Orca Support (full bonuses & access to ABC ores)
+Mission Fleet Bonuses
+Manufacturing/Sales Division
+Mineral/Ore/PI/Salvage buyout program
+PI network (WH with POS Fuel+T2 Comp+P4 Prod)
+Research Division

TS3 is desirable for general social interaction and further enhances communication between members when operating in a fleet enviroment.

Please consider our invitation to join MEX/DAM. If you have any questions, or simply wish to join us on some operations before deciding your future, feel free to contact the nominated members so we can further discuss this opportunity.

Full API required for each individual application

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-01-06 08:29:21
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