

The Fearsome Scallywags
Name The Fearsome Scallywags
Ticker SCALY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98014057

Members [0]


Welcome to The Fearsome Scallywags! We are an elite group of lowsec and nullsec hunters, with plenty of strategic knowledge, a powerful arsenal, and a relaxed and mature attitude.

If you have 20 million SP, contact Jude Lloyd to discuss joining. Pilots must be able to show an impressive history of PVP as well as proving they can operate multiple types of gunships.

List of Member Requirements -
- 20 Million SP (focused on PVP)
- Ability to use TS3
- United States/ Canada TZ's
- Proof of 75% + ISK Efficiency
- Proof of 10 Solo kills with Same-class or Higher-class boats
- A sense of humor
- 17+ Year Old Players
- Ability to fly Frigates (T1-T2) to Battlecruisers well

Ransoms are Honored.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-01-22 07:09:24
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