

Phallic And Hymen Incorporated
Name Phallic And Hymen Incorporated
Ticker PAHIN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98018824

Members [0]


!!!We are currently recruiting all active players!!!

A little bit of everything going on here. We are very laid back with a good sense of humor. We are mostly US and EU based but are looking to expand into other time zones. We are a profit-sharing corp. which means we pay our members for the hard work they put into the corporation…you do work you get paid.

We do,
-have access to 0.0 space.
-run missions of all levels.
-various industrial activities (trade, mining, manufacturing and research.)
-PvP operations within the Corp., Alliance or with a number of the ‘Blues’ we have around us.
-give friendly advice and assistance for noobs and vets in any aspect you need help with.

We don’t,
-have mandatory activities within the corp. But participation in alliance operations of any form is encouraged as a good alliance partnership is required to maintain the trust and respect we have for each other.
-PIRATE!!! Of any kind whatsoever. Pirating will not be tolerated here.

For more information join channel ‘P&H Pub’ or contact one of our directors listed below.

-Ty Varrock

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-09-06 08:21:41
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