

Novalith Corporation
Name Novalith Corporation
Ticker NVCP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98019157

Members [0]


Novalith Corporation

Recruitment status is OPEN
Accepting all races and all timezones !

Novalith Corporation is recruiting new and old pilots. There is no minimum SP requirment !


Short term goals: Grow to a medium-large corporation which has activities in all sectors and own a pos to facilitate certain professions (mining, manufacturing, research etc)

Long term goals: Become an even larger corporation with sufficient experience, ISK and manpower to move to 0.0

We are looking for :

- Mission runners (lvl1 - lvl4)
- Traders
- Miners/Planetary Miners (High Sec)
- Haulers and Transporters
- Industrialists (Research and Manufacturing)
- PvP
- And any other professions not listed here (except scamming and piracy)

We offer :

- Help for new Eve pilots (see bellow for more info)
- Friendly, helpful and relaxed environment
- Fleet lvl4 missions
- Mining operations
- Access to everything Eve has to offer

What we require :

- Mature, friendly behavior with the will to help new players
- Security rating no lower than -0.5
- Willing to work as a team
- Willing to contribute to the corporation needs
- Active players. (we understand that each player has a private life which is more important than eve but if you cannot dedicate more than a few hours a week on eve then this game is not for you)
- Your limited API key and user id for security reasons (not negociable and very important)

New Players in need of help will receive the following :

- A fully fitted ship (suited for their specialization and skills)
- Free skill books
- Help wherever they require

If you need more info join our channel " Novalith Corporation " or contact Kira Kaliandra, Wolfie276 or Illucius Thantium !

Thank you and fly safe !

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-12-29 08:28:53
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API J:15 Mar 12:37 K:15 Mar 12:34 C:15 Mar 12:40 A:15 Mar 12:31 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:15 Mar 12:12 S:15 Mar 12:31 W:15 Mar 12:15