

Blue Gate Industries
Name Blue Gate Industries
Ticker B.G.I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98023504

Members [0]


Welcome to Blue Gate Industries

-Corporation overview-
Blue Gate Industries is a new pilot's mining and mission running corporation. Ran by good members, Blue Gate Industries offers help to those new to New Eden (EVE). Our main goal is to come together as a corporation, a nation, to come together and help, assist, grow, and to protect one another.

Blue Gate Industries is for hire from any larger corporation in need of minerals and ore.

What we do:
--Mining / Ice
--Manufacturing / Production
--Mission Running
--Corporation Wide PVP tournaments

What we look for:
--Mission Runners
--New Players

--Team oriented pilots
--Intelligent, easy going pilots
--Willingness to learn and assist other corp members

To apply, hit apply to join and give a short detail of your life in eve, why you wish to join and what you think you can learn or get out of joining

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-07-12 08:22:42
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