

Universal Blockade Unit
Name Universal Blockade Unit
Ticker -UBU-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 98029740

Members [0]


Recruitment Reopened to ALL Aspects of EVE.

LOYALTY, HONESTY, HONOR, HEROISM, BRAVERY! This is what we are made of, this is what we look for in pilots. Convo, or ingame message Achmedicate for questions. Recruitment is open to all aspects of eve, Mission runners, Miners/industrialists, Greifers, Pirates, PVP. Anything your little hearts desire.
Currently needing positions as follows.
ACTIVE PLAYERS (does not mean everyday work and family come first)

ACTIVE Recruiters so our corp can grow!
Combat Directors
Mining Diretors
MIssion/Training Directors.
Female pilots wanted!! Makes eve more enjoyable, no we are not pervs.. We enjoy the company of females who GAME! lols

More positions will become available as the corporation grows.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:01:43
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