

Omber Division
Name Omber Division
Ticker OMBD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98030187

Members [0]


Omber Division is the high sec brother of the Nul Sec Corp Omber Company

The corp was created to allow members of omber company to use there other accounts in high sec space, where we mission and run complexes etc. The corp can also be used as a stepping stone to joining omber company in nul sec space.

We are currently recruiting players of any skill level from trial account to veteran, the corp has the following benefits :-

We dont have mandatory corp opps or any opps where the profit goes to corp account.
The Corp Tax Rate is only 3% so you get to keep nearly all you mission reward and bounty the 3% will pay for the corp office
We have members who have played the game for a long time and can help give you advice on training etc.
We are a bunch of old gits who have a good laugh and play the game for what it is “ A Game”
If you decide you want to stay playing in high sec you can, if you decide to try some nul sec you can add a second toon to sister corp Omber Company or simply transfer.
We are a member of the alliance "Beyond control" so there is plenty activity

What we dont do :-
We dont give out isk to anyone, we are not desperate for members and tbh if you cant be bothered to make the isk to buy the skills you shouldn't be plying.
We dont have mining opps as we are not miners but that said if you mine and want to join you can and maybe in time we will have mining fleets.

So thats it , High sec corp based in amar space who play the game for fun and a laugh but if you want to experience the game fully you can move up to Omber Company and enjoy some nul sec life. The way I see it we offer the options to enjoy the game without regimentation and the feeling eve is a 2nd job.

If you interested in joining drop a mail to RasRask , Jack Russell , Exozone or better still join our chat channel Omber Public

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-12-24 20:06:54
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