

Reaver Mining Industries
Name Reaver Mining Industries
Ticker R MIN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 50%
corporationID 98031498

Members [0]


Reaver Mining Industries

Corporation Rules
RULE #1 - Insure your ships (Platinum Insurance)
RULE #2 - Absolutely NO drug smuggling
RULE #3 - Don't lie, corporate penalties may apply

Corporation Membership Bonuses

- Insurance:
RMI will HELP to reimburse any lost items, ships, ect if applicable rules were followed (note - this may take time)

- Friendly Enviroment:
Truly, RMI is a casual player corp. However, we do welcome all player types. Our goal is to maintain a friendly player enviroment within the corp as well with any contacts or allies held in good standing. Any member of RMI who would be out to cause damage with this goal will be handled swiftly.

Mining Fleet Operations

Mining Operations are open to all.

Mining Ops are not required for members

Mining ops will be a minimum of one hour.

In the event that the mining fleet becomes full and more people would like to join, a new fleet will be created under the next ranking member of RMI.

Fleet Pay:

Miners will be granted "shares" during mining operations. The shares are listed in the Fleet Pay - Standard scale. Miners not able to stay for entire duration will be held to the Fleet Pay - Non-Standard Scale

Fleet Pay - Standard Scale
Corporation Members: 4
Hulk: 3.5 for ore. 3 for ice.
Mackinaw: 3.5 for ice. 2 for ore.
Skiff: 2 for gas cloud. 1 for ore
Coveter: 3
Retriever: 2
Procurer: 1
Mining Lasers:
* Any: .25

Fleet Pay - Non-Standard Scale
(ratio is ISK:Minutes)
strip miners: Minimum - 20,000:10 Maximum - 120,000:60
Mining lasers: Minimum 10,000:10 Maximum- 60,000:60
*Note: Strip miners increase by 20K while mining lasers increase by 10K.

Security -

Currently RMI operates only in highsec areas going only as low as .6

Additional Information may be obtained from Death Reaver13 (CEO, Fleet Admiral) or Gnat Mikakka (Executive Director, Admiral)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-04-04 10:18:46
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