

Total Grief
Name Total Grief
Ticker GFLOL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98038610

Members [0]


Well, what to say? Obviously, we are Total Grief. We PVP, we hurt feelings. We even profit from time to time. What sets us aside from many PVP corps isn't skill, or fancy ships. No, what sets our members aside is the complete reckless abandon with which we carry out our affairs. We don't care about killboard stats, we don't care about losing ships. We will continue relentlessly towards our goals. We may lose a thousand ships, but we WILL kill yours. We are a strange and dangerous breed. We have no remorse, we have no class, and we have no fear. We will fight anyone, anywhere and we will not back down. We will stomp you, and kick you while you are down. Then, for good measure, we might just spit on you too. No tactic is too dirty, no trick below us. We fight to win, no matter the cost. Corps beware, -The Total Grief Team

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 03:52:27
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