

Name 0nslaught.
Ticker ONSET
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98040330

Members [0]


We are a Low Sec PVP Corporation specializing in irregular warfare and guerrilla warfare tactics. The corporation’s combat style is centered on small fleet engagements with an NBSI policy.

Our main combat efforts are geared toward maximizing fun, minimizing losses, expanding influence, and defending member assets by any means necessary. We encourage all our members to be self sufficient. We do our best to create an environment to facilitate this. All Wars and corporate Fee's are paid for in full by the corporation. We simply ask that you join in on the op’s, Shoot the target’s, and have fun.

(On a side note: Many of our members including myself took an extended leap of absence. Now being back in EVE I am once again trying to fill the ranks, however, not looking to grow too big over night. We’re just hoping to get a hand full of quality members for the time being.)

Feel Free to send one of our Directors or CEO’s a message if you’re interested in joining or hop in our public channel. ‘0nslaught’

CEO: Az Tek - / - Gwyndalyn Empress

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-01-02 09:12:18
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API J:23 Feb 05:57 K:23 Feb 05:43 C:23 Feb 06:01 A:23 Feb 06:32 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 06:29 S:23 Feb 05:35 W:23 Feb 06:13