

United Legion Incorporated
Name United Legion Incorporated
Ticker UL-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98042154

Members [0]


We are now the Screaming War Eagles corporation.

We are a mercenary corporation. We provide two different payment packages.

Basic: 500 million ISK or more for a corporation war per week; 1 billion ISK or more for an alliance war per week;

Classic: Pay for war fee; Pay the minimum bidding fee of 100 million ISK and/or size fee; and pay for a pecentage of lost ships in full;

Beta: Pay for war fee; Pay for a minimum bidding fee of 50 million ISK and size fee; Pay for insurance for every ship deployed when deployed and what is left over after insurance pays out for ship and standard non meta fittings in full;

Bidding fee: You must bid to have our services over other corporations;

Size fee: 20 million ISK per active combat pilot in our corporation that is involved;

All payments must be paid in a timely manor in full in according to corporation policies and deadlines. If not, we will collect our way.

Eventually, we will take in industrialist and mission runners under our protection at a slight higher corporation tax.

Making it different, newer, and better than older mercenary corporations. is our job!

Recruitment: We do require an API key to join. The high tax isn's going to affect active PVP'ers much. We pay our members on a week to week basis according the business. We do join the militia when business is slow. Try to have .5+ with the Gallente Federation and Minmatar Republic. (Not a requirement.) While in the militia there may not be pay, but there is FW missions and still have the constant PVP we are looking for as a mercenary corporation.

If we are in an alliance at the time you need to hire us, the minimum bidding fee is what me made the following week. This will be determined by what is profit before shareholders are paid. If this is met, we will drop out and take your contract.

If you need a contract with us, please contact the CEO of new corporation, link at the top, or contact PlatinumMercSEAL.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-08-07 08:18:41
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