

Necromonger Navy.
Name Necromonger Navy.
Ticker 8510
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98042456

Members [0]


The Necromongers are a dark army of cultists that will convert or kill every last human life in the universe to inhabit or dominate the next realm, which they call the Underverse. It was discovered when a man named Jared Ravencroft was cast out of a religious cult (either Carthodox or possibly the Austeres) in punishment for heresy. His family was also killed as punishment for this heresy. Wandering purposelessly through space, he soon reached the edge of what he would soon dub Underverse. On the other side, he saw his dead family rise again. When he came back, stronger than before, he took righteous retribution on the Amarrian's who had cast him out and killed his family. He fought and killed their commanders, claiming their heads as he did so. Looking in their newly dead eyes, he was overheard to whisper "You keep what you kill." In victory, Jared Ravencroft assumed the new office of Lord Marshal, the one rank that cannot be superseded. After forcing them to bow before him, Jared reorganized the living Nagus Clones into a more regimented society. So different was this society that it begged for a new name and a new place of worship. The Necromongers were born.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 04:57:45
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