

Stark Industries PtyLtd
Name Stark Industries PtyLtd
Ticker 5TA9K
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98044375

Members [0]


Stark-Enterprises was spawned from Stark Industries PTY LTD and its humble mining and production operations. From the beginning it was always known that great things would come of it but the rate at which growth was achieved has surpassed any of our expectations.

Stark Industries PTY LTD although still in operation today, has come to a point where by its survual depends on diverse areas of operation from our other corporations that aid it by means of security, logistics and other ventures. The three founding members of Stark Industries PTY LTD stand united in the vision that Stark Enterprises promises. Stark Enterprises is a purley self sufficient entity with many sub-corporations all pulling their weight and aiming for the highest of goals.

At Stark Enterprises we offer a vast variety of corporations that will suit all your needs! Some include but are not limited to...

* Mining



*Planetary Exploitation

*PVE security missions

Stark Enterprises supplies much of the New Eden market place with the highest quality goods, ranging from machines of war to valuble ORE and minerals. Our Ventures have taken us this far! Where will they take you?

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-03-29 08:27:18
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