

The Miliz
Name The Miliz
Ticker MLIZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98047608

Members [0]


The Miliz is a new corporation looking to expand and grow into a prospering pvp corporation, we offer weekly corp funded roams into low sec for pvp, and will often go out on a whim to test the waters. We believe working together is what makes corporations in EVE strong, so many of our activities will be group related. We are a mostly combat oriented corporation so mission runners are welcome, miners and industrialists are welcome as well, as we are working on purchasing blueprints to produce t1 ships and gear to reduce the costs of pvp.

We follow a simple weekly plan when it comes to funding our pvp.

5 days of making cash
1 day of getting ready
1 day of pvp havoc

If you need something from the corp hangers and if we have it we will gladly supply it if you ask. We have a ton of t1 frigates available so if you lose one don't be afraid to ask for a replacement.

We are looking for players of all skill levels, the only thing we may not accept are trial accounts though we may from time to time depending on your attitude. We expect some level of activity, however you do not have to be active every day of the week non stop, this is just a game, not serious business.

Feel free to EVEmail the CEO or any corp director for more information, or feel free to convo us any time if we are online.

CEO: Shamus Wallace McCready
Directors: Saul Jacobs
---------iwant everything

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 07:03:40
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