

Brainstorm Solutions
Name Brainstorm Solutions
Ticker B SOL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98050177

Members [0]


Who is bsol ?

bsol is an INDUSTRIAL corporation comprised of 10 members from various nationalities.we got an perfect alience support and good coalition & freinds take a look
Capital Wasteland
Of course, theres more to bsol than that! bsol offers a player, new or experienced, the opportunity to grow and have a great time in the EVE universe. Here is a look at the different opportunities to a new member.

Industrial Wing
bsol's Industrial Wing has
800 researched BPOs as well as a very experienced mining fleet. Our usual setup involves an Orca roqual and several hulks; however theres always room for anyone with a mining laser. We build a great deal of T1 merchandise, so if you're into manufacturing, then you will fit right in. We currently run more than one market and have more than one POS running.


We frequently run LVL4 missions to fund pvp operations.


We have a very experienced fleet commander who often runs small pvp gangs through low sec, or larger ones if everyone fleets up. We have, on occasion, been known to take out a POS also, so if you can fly a capital, dont forget to bring it along! We currently run a few capital ships, carriers, dreads, etc...

What we ask of you

That you are a mature individual: We dont want to baby-sit anyone on TS3

That you have a headset with Teamspeak installed if you intend on joining fleet operations.

That you can have fun and work in a team environment. bsol. Takes this very seriously as we attempt to foster a spirit of camaraderie and team work.

There is NO SP limit for membership. You can be brand new or experienced and thats OK.

We do require that you provide us with your User ID and LIMITED API key. We do not accept players that are using trial accounts.

Our Goals

We are looking to build a corp that can fight, manufacture, and have a great time doing it, so if you think that sounds like your kind of action, then apply today!

Contact gugus251 if you are interested in joining bsol

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-06-06 10:13:27
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