

League of SuperEvil
Name League of SuperEvil
Ticker L.OSE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 11%
corporationID 98050859

Members [0]


We are Leage of SuperEvil, we do NOT make profits together, here you will make your ISK alone. Ofcourse this with our help. The thing that makes us different is that we handle supply chains. Even if we are with 3 men, we have a more efficient and better arranged supply chain then most other corparations do. You offer/make yourstuff and we buy it (ofcourse on arrangements). With that said, we are also a knowledge base, and nice community to work in.

Leage of SuperEvil is an Corporation that has valuable knowlage about:
* Trades
* Miners,
* manufacturers,
* haulers,
* scientists,
* ice-miners,
* PI producers.
* Possibility to invest in traders, an new upcomming feature in eve that is an endless profit pool. (Aks for more info)

Ofcourse we also have knowledge about other topics, but we are experts on what is described above.

Minimum requirements for joining:
- Mature personality and good sense of humour
- No piracy or HighSec ganking activities allowed
- Minimum of 3,000,000 Skillpoints
- Good understanding of Eve Online's basics
- Self supportive in terms of ISK and equipment
- European Timezone
- English Speaking

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-06-13 18:36:56
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