

Internal Secure Kitty
Name Internal Secure Kitty
Ticker INSEK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98054012

Members [0]


First and foremost...NO we are not the insides of a confident our name may suggest...

We're a bank...we have money...and Cheesecake...lots and lots of Cheesecake ^^ oh and we also have a big contacts book full of lovely people based over in nulsec and minus sec who hunt and pod griefers for lulz...usually they enjoy themselves so much they tell us to keep the fee...we have their page marked *nasty pieces of work :)* and they're the kind of guys who don't care if they're at war with you or not...either way, you'll be floating home :)

So yah, basically you've heard of us cos you either have need of our financial services, want some cake, or have been dec'd by griefers.

If you haven't heard of us then the chances are you ARE a griefer Corp and will soon wish you never had done. I suggest you very quickly re-consider your recent decisions :) you've been warned Mr All-Powerful CEO Bossman :)

You have 24 hours to end the dec against out client's Corp. Underestimating us would not be the cleverest thing you've ever done :)

Non-boneheads - check out my Bio for info. Please note, we do not negotiate with the enemies of our clients, so don't even bother trying. And please don't bother trying to set up a PC with one of us. You will not be answered. If you want us, mail us. We will call you if we decide we like your mail :)

Fly safe, fly smart :)

Mr Bullion

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-09-04 10:26:13
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