

Name Samsara.
Ticker FLOWS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98054709

Members [0]


Samsara literally means "continuous flow." The cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth.


We focus on high level missions, incursions, and PvP. Our HQ station provides all 12 station buttons, lvls 1, 2, and 4 Security agents, as well as a Security Storyline agent and a lvl 4 InterBus Distribution agent. HQ sytem is 0.5 Sec, close to both low and null-sec, is 9 jumps from Jita and located in the same region. HQ system also provides Event agents and is relatively empty at all times of the day and night, rarely breaking 25 non-corp locals.


Corporation Policy:
We are NRDS in high-sec (Not Red Don't Shoot).
We are NRDS in low-sec (Not Red Don't Shoot).
We are NBSI in null-sec (Not Blue Shoot It).
No pirate activity allowed in high-sec (can-flipping, etc.).
All members are required to answer CTAs (Call to Arms).

Wartime Policy:
No T2 Rigs allowed for any reason.
No PvE fits allowed for any reason.
No local chatter allowed for any reason.
No Faction ships or Faction modules allowed for any reason.
No OEM (Overly Expensive Meta) modules allowed for any reason.
No Battlecruiser, Battleship, Capital, Super Capital, or T2/T3 ship hulls can be flown unless entirely T2RF (Tech 2 Role Fit).
No solo hunting allowed for any reason. All hunts must be accompanied by at least two other Corporation members in fleet.
No solo flying allowed for any reason unless entirely FFT (Fit For Travel [Racial shuttle or racial frigate with Warp Core Stabilizers]).
No contact with War Targets allowed for any reason unless given permission by a Corporation Diplomat.
No permissions to contact War Targets can be given from Corporation Diplomats without Corporation Director approval.


There are NO EXCEPTIONS to Corporation or Wartime Policies. Anyone found breaking said Policies will be dealt with accordingly. Said person(s) will be swiftly removed and given a personal -10 status to our Corporation and Alliance. Said person(s) newly joined Corporation (if any is joined) will NOT be considered enemy to our Corporation (unless reason is given).

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-11-21 08:35:21
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