

Starforged Ascendancy
Name Starforged Ascendancy
Ticker -SFA-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98056845

Members [0]


We are an aggresssive and serious but fun PvP corporation focused on helping players new and old find a place to have fun and play EVE.

We are a PvP specialized corporation, but we welcome pilots from all walks of EVE including Traders/Mission Runners/Miners/Industrialists/PvP.

In Starforged Ascendancy we maintain a HS presence while also operating in 0.0 with our Alliance. and we will be expanding to WHs in the long term.

Our alliance also has focused corporations to help pilots specialize in any area of thier choosing. There will be opportunities for all types. Withing SFA or our Alliance.

If you are new to 0.0 or Alliances we can help you adjust. Same with grizzled bittervets, we always need people with knowledge and experience.

If your looking for a friendly but focused corporation SFA might be the corp for you.

For more info, contact Varren Dar'khel, or Kalahan Nuria or join the SFA Recruitment channel.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-01-26 08:32:13
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