

Xeno-Genesis Industries
Name Xeno-Genesis Industries
Ticker XENGI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98059384

Members [0]


Xeno-Genesis Industries is a corporation with experienced and motivated leadership and members, focusing on all aspects of ΞνΞΘΠLІΠΞ. Industry, PVE and PVP.

Newbie-friendly, easy going and growing enterprise, accepting all professions! Currently we are based in Gallente Empire Space, with offices open accross verge vendor region.

With no SP requirements we are looking for mature, long-term members to have fun and enjoy the game! We need your skills, knowledge and opinion to grow as a corp.

-Active players!
-Dedicated pilots who are willing to work towards something larger.
-Pilots who are willing to work together as a team towards goals (their own and the corps).
-If new to the game, willing to learn. If you're a Veteran player, willing to teach.
-Limited API Key.

-Versatility in the game. For the pilot who doesn't yet know what path they want to choose, we'll help you find it.
-To new pilots we offer advice, help and support along whatever path you choose to follow in EVE.
-To veterans we offer the chance to help build something grand, where you will have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of EVE.
-A growing core group of miners for the industrialists out there. Weekly Mining Ops with Orca Support.
-Level 1/2/3/4 Missions/Weekly Mission running Ops.

Short Term :
-Gain a stable base of corporation members in various professions.
-Set up division leaders in all professions and run regular ops weekly.
-Set up a PI line and mining division to become more self sufficient, moving onto a fully self sufficient corp.
-Move into and inhabit a WH system (COMING SOON).

We have grand goals, and we know we can achieve them. We are a motivated corporation looking for motivated people. We're also a corp that is looking to enjoy every part of ΞνΞΘΠLІΠΞ.

If you would like to hear a little more about us or to apply, please contact the recruitment team or join us in the XENGI Recruitment channel to talk to our members.

Recruitment Team:
FTG Killingu
Ezio Albetari
Ajora Glabados

Recruitment OPEN

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-12-10 08:19:26
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API J:16 Mar 01:37 K:16 Mar 01:34 C:16 Mar 01:37 A:16 Mar 01:33 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:16 Mar 01:12 S:16 Mar 01:32 W:16 Mar 01:15