

Amnutech Armada
Name Amnutech Armada
Ticker AMNU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98060437

Members [0]


Throughout the passage of time, many things change greatly. The young who are headstrong and enthusiatic will become elders who are both wise and cautious. Great empires that once commanded absolute power over millions of souls wither away to become nothing more than rocks and sand. In a world cursed with inevitable futility, a person cannot help but ask,"What is truely important in this life?"

As anything that is measured is doomed to inherent destruction, I would suggest that the true importance in life lies within all things that can't be measured as being undefined makes them imortal. The unexpressable factors in between the souls of a tormented existance:
Honor - Courage - Commitment - Sacrifice

These are what make the immortal. These are what define the Armada. For the Armada is not made of pilots, it is made of people sharing with each other all that is immeasurable...

Respect the Past - Live in the Moment - Own the Future

Amnutech Armada CEO - Sai Dark

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-03 21:05:42
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