

U.S.A.T.O Prime
Name U.S.A.T.O Prime
Ticker USATO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98062783

Members [0]


United system's against terrorist organisations

usato prime

Welcome to the small corp with big things in mind, with the experience in eve to boot.

who here has aims of wanting to go out deep to own part of eve n scrap to defend it, who has initiative too strive too create something in eve here, as looking for a like minded good crew too achieve the bigger picture that is the dream all have in eve, if so contact us here at USATO Prime. At USATO Prime we can help u out building from the humble frigate to the great carriers, hulks too orcas, want too get in some these ships well sure if put in the time n effort can be done, we at USATO Prime can muster up even a titan with good team behind us so contact us here at USATO Prime today.

We offer our members :

* Pilot development & advice from senior members
* skill book Programs (free skills up to 1mil isk higher in special circumstances)
* Mining equipment, skills & ship's to dedicated miners
* High sec ore/ice mining opp's with orca support
* Ship building assistance, built at cost of minerals with bigger builds such as battlecruisers & battleships Ect.
* Pve Lv1 - Lv4 mission running opp's
* Rigging and ship upgrades provided (so all salvage needed to build rigs)
* Ship replacements ( to lost in corp opp's / pvp corporate combat)
* Exploration and wormhole operations available

What we're looking for in you :

- No Sp requirements
- Active player's ( of course RL taking priority though as things do happen)
- Dedicated pilots who are willing to work towards something larger
- Pilots willing to work as team players towards goals (their own as well as corps)
- If new to eve willing too learn, if veteran eve players willing too teach others.

Now recruiting fighters, miners and haulers we are looking for team players too ensure the growth of this corporation wat ever your preferences we can help u with advancing your character and providing u with what ever needs you have be it ships n equipment, isk n adventure, skills n advice in the world of EVE. All we ask of u is that u do your part too help us too help you. We provide n support u as long as u help us. our bpo operation is growing as well so soon what ever you need as long as do part we can provide.

currently more urgent required positions.
** Miner’s
** mission runner's
For more info contact us at U.S.A.T.O Prime. ** HQ - Ashokon **

Fancy cake come n follow
partners blog ->

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-12-05 20:45:06
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