

Intrepid Reborn
Name Intrepid Reborn
Ticker ITR-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98063940

Members [0]


Intrepid Reborn.

Call us Troll Free: 1-800-GET-STUFFED

Intrepid Reborn - Recruitment Open

We have no corp assets.
We have no corp money.

We fight. We troll. Thats all we do. You can join us, fight with us, and leave at any time. You wont wake up one morning and find us in a belt mining. No, we are a PVP corporation. Those who don't want to fight any more, leave.

Each member is responsible for his own ship. There are no ship replacement programs, there is no money back guarantee. We are here to fight, and to kick some major ass in the expansive game of EVE Online.

What do you get from this corporation? Almost nothing. You get a group of easy going friends to play with. Like preschool with teeth. We joke about, we have fun, and we get results.

If you want to join this group, you will need:

Your own funds
Your own ships
5,000,000+ skill points
A good sense of humour
A strong stomach

**We will not check your API**

We have nothing for you to f**k up or steal. We are a group of friends going out in our own ships and kicking ass. No point putting a spy alt here, waste of your time. I can direct you to some very nice Industrial Corporations that will suit your thieving needs much better.

Join up, and have some fun. Talk to Aaron23132 to submit an ap.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-09-09 08:17:42
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