

Terra nova industry
Name Terra nova industry
Ticker T.N.I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98071907

Members [0]


We are now recruiting!!!!!

we do mining,missions and production.

Are you fed up with logging onto Eve and seeing corp either empty, or full of people that don't talk?Would you like some friends to mine with or just hang out with?can you only play 2-4 hours a day due to real life?

If you have answered YES to the above questions then it may be time for you to join a corp that cares about it members and corp that likes to have fun and relaxing.then join us here at terra nova industry!!!!!!!

Terra Nova Industry is an Empire based corp acceptting players from all timezones.Logging on is like stepping into a bar where all your best friends are gathered and having a great night. Every member cares passionately about their corp and the people within it. It is a corporation where members and their needs are the primary concerns. It is a corp where every single member has a voice and is encouraged to express their opinions. A place where there is no room for ego. We are very industry focussed and can provide training for those not yet comfortable with setups.

All we ask from our members is that they are Active, Team Players, Honest and Dedicated.we also understand that rl comes first so if you can only play afew hours a day then you will always have a home here with us.

We offer;
minerals buy system(we pay u avg price for minerals u mine)
new players to eve is supply free mining frigate of they race
missions(lv1 to lv4)

If you are interesting in knowing us better before you join,come to our chatroom at T.N.I

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-07-10 05:53:03
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