

ANZUS Treaty
Name ANZUS Treaty
Ticker USA-T
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98071995

Members [0]


ANZUS Treaty consists of the following divisions which form to provide a structured, friendly, and cooperative environment for new and experienced pilots alike:

* Division of Resource Acquisition
* Division of Logistics
* Division of Exploration
* Division of Naval Operations
* Division of Human Resources

Chief of Staff to the President of ANZUS Treaty and current Director of Exploration. Raven Kvetina, is the primary contact for all recruitment enquiries. The Office of Human Resource Management handles all issues associated with recruitment, new pilot training and guidance, and skilling advice.

New EVE Pilots - In a pilot's early stages, we welcome them to EVE and offer guidance, support, and friendship. A sense of comradery and teamwork will be developed through a strong and loyal group of pilots. The aim is to have the corporation and all it's pilots develop and learn together; as such, we very much welcome those new to New Eden. After a fortnight of piloting with our corporation, new players will be asked to nominate a division they want to be part of depending on their specialist area of interest. The more experienced they become, the more they can contribute individually and to the corporation as a whole. These members will go on to welcome other new pilots and be more than capable of guiding them through the early stages of the game to get them up on their feet and making ISK.

Experienced EVE Pilots - Pilots experienced in EVE will be welcomed as valued members of the corporation; pilots that can help guide less experienced players, take them under their wing, and have them help with their independent operations. These experienced pilots will be the members of the corporation others will look to, and that the corporation will shoulder with responsibility. They will have great influence on the rest of the corporation.

We are always actively seeking new members to fill all of our divisions.

If you are interested, jump onto our public channel 'USA-T'.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-08-29 08:45:29
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