

Name MARS.
Ticker PWN U
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98082236

Members [0]


Mars. Coropration is an active community based on friendship and teamwork!
We are actively involved in most of EVE's aspects, primarily pvp.

The Membership:
At the moment we have over 60+ members and are spread over various timezones and strive to have members in all timezones for a 23/7 activity.
Our members are all self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves, but are not selfish and will often team up or invite eachother to run an op and pvp together.

Our spot in this game of Eve Online:
We are mostly based in 0.0 with our alliance.
We also have a sister corp active in highsec training pvp. Joining this corporation is highly recommended for newer players and those interested in learning to survive in 0.0 as well as a fully highsec dedicated players. Please Join Pwned Public for more information.

What we are looking for:
Pilots specialized in all areas as long as you PVP ! Everyone is welcome to add to our team who isnt a window Licker! All we ask is for new recruits to be social, to interact with fellow corpmates and participate or contribute to the corp through the many ways you have able to you.

What can you expect from us:
Firstly a warm Welcome!
Mars. does not run strict schedules of daily ops or mineral quotas. Rather we team up often to work together for the corp as well as roam for kills.

We operate on a high level of moral integrity and thus do not tolerate scammers, botters but quality trolling of none corp is welcome. We don't run censorships in corp chat, but we do not like offensive comments or insults unless they are funny. We are respectul of our fellow pilots!

Joining our 0.0 Base:
Our SP requirement for members to join us in the 0.0 base is minimally 20 mil Skillpoints, But exceptions are possiable with aproval thru our Director of Operations after our Recruiters are finished with you. This is to ensure you are experienced and self-sufficient as well as having skills needed for pvp fleets in home defenses.

If this sounds like something you're looking for then please drop by our channel 'Pwned Public' for an interview with our recruitment officers or a chat with the members. Please note we require Full API key information on the application or it will be rejected.

Diplomatic Contacts:
Gralneth (Diplomatic Relations)
Gralneth (Ceo)

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Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-12-11 08:19:17
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