

The Scorpions
Name The Scorpions
Ticker KFX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98090937

Members [0]


One day God stood up and said to him self. *I want to create the
man.* He did that and then placed the man on a planet called earth.
Then he fall asleep next day he woke up and wanted to look to his new
creation. The man he so wasnt happy. Then he asked the man. *Why are you
not happy.* The man said. *I miss something i can feel i need something.*
God was thinking and then asked. *Do you want some men to hunt down and
plunder. You can call yourself a pirate and be the ruler of the world
if you are good in the skies and us your knowledge correctly.* The man said.
*Yes it is that i need. plunder and making peoples lifes bad.* God listened
an then said. *It will be then when you get up tomorrow you are a pirate
with your own ship.* The man thanked god and falled asleep.....

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-03-29 10:57:07
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