

Legion of the Purple Goat
Name Legion of the Purple Goat
Ticker G1X
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98091833

Members [0]


Hardcore PVP Corp... We will take new guys must least beable to fly a Mining Barge T1 Or T2

Looking for Low-sec/Null-sec Pvpers we will take High-sec Miners. Cant be afraid to lose standings.. It will happen. Missioners as well would be great we have a low Tax rate, Means more isk in your pocket, small percentage for the corp...

We will have mining Operations to keep up with production of isk to suport our ships and mods

We offer ship replacement under certain Conditions, Free Drone Replacement, Under certain Conditions

we will have Coms Channel setup. we will help you join but you must beable to use and have Teamspeek 3, if not dont bother sending an application...

We will want an interview first send an intresting application. Either CEO OR Director will get back to you soon as possible

Regards Proffessor Fate & Laxon69

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 05:28:01
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