

A.R.M.S Holdings
Name A.R.M.S Holdings
Ticker ARMSH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98092352

Members [0]


u'Need some ships, Ammunition or Rigs for you waring corp or help stockpiling for one?
Are you a mining corp needing that Orca at a fair price? Or hauling corp needing that Charra you been having you eyes on? Then A.R.M.S Industries Can help!

At A.R.M.S Industries, We make:

\xc3ll T1 Ammunition, Some T2 Missles.
A range of T1 Equipment and a Vareity of T1 & T2 Mining Crystals.
A Selection of Rigs.
T1 Ships of all kinds!
Fuel for you POS

We also make Various Capital Ships Components if you need help making that big ship you plan on making.

Contact the Head of Manufacturing: Zuthep if you have any questions that you want answering.
(Contact If you want the full list of BPs or Join ARMS Bar)'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2023-11-14 20:31:59
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