

Solitude Transportation And Logistics
Name Solitude Transportation And Logistics
Ticker .STAL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98092753

Members [0]


We fly for money from Empire to Solitude region and back. Safe (All accepted contracts will be delivered!).
Blocade runner class ships.
Please don't include more than 9-10k volume in one contract (box).
We also fly through the Empire. Freighter class ships. Up to 940k volume in one box.
We can pay you up to 1KKK collateral, in all cases (per 1 contract), no more.
We fly not quick! Approx. 2-3 days to complete a job.
Start point and end point - only highsec NPC stations.
Prices are variable, based on volume, number of jumps and collateral.
If you need anything, you can write directly to Contract Agent by EVE-mail. Acceptable languages: Русский, English, Deutsch

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-04-23 13:31:10
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API J:23 Feb 00:57 K:23 Feb 00:43 C:23 Feb 00:01 A:23 Feb 01:13 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 00:59 S:23 Feb 00:35 W:23 Feb 00:13