

Nom Nom Nom
Name Nom Nom Nom
Ticker UMNOM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98092757

Members [0]


Nom nom nom, the feeder corp of PVE. Everyone who wishes to join PVE must serve their 3 month period here, we offer guidance, training, incursions, mining ops and god knows what. We are located in minmattar highsec, we got no sp limit, we just want active members in euro time zone, players who love the game we love.. my little pony... ohh crap i mean Eve online.

#What We Offer#
¤ Vent Server
¤ Home Page
¤ Dedicated Ceo's and Director's
¤ PvP Training
¤ WH Training
¤ WH/PVP/PvE/Mining Ops
¤ Ore Buy Back
¤ High, Low, Null Roams
¤ Incursion Ops
¤ Logistics

#What We Demand#
¤ Activity each day. (Whatever you have time for )
¤ Self Sufficient
¤ Loyal Humor.

#Future Plans#
¤ 20 Active Members
¤ 40 Active Members
¤ 60 Active members

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-03-08 11:08:14
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API J:14 Mar 10:37 K:14 Mar 10:34 C:14 Mar 10:59 A:14 Mar 11:00 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:14 Mar 10:38 S:14 Mar 10:31 W:14 Mar 10:15