

Osiris Mineral Exploration Inc.
Name Osiris Mineral Exploration Inc.
Ticker OMIE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98099022

Members [0]



Based out of Caldari Space, our headquarters offers easy access to Lowsec and Highsec space, prime location not far from the major trade hubs.

We are looking for any level of pilot currently. While mining and production are our primary focus, we are looking for mission runners, and individuals looking to do incursions.

If you are a new player we are more then willing to help you become self-sufficient. And have a large knowledge base of experience that you can learn from.

Some of what we offer:

- Weekly Mining ops (profit split between all participants 15% of profit to corp)
- Orca support ( 3 or more pilots will get an orca supplied for hauling and bonus in exchange for 10% of ore mined)
- Hi-sec Research Slots for the industry oriented pilots.
- Daily fleets for Mining, missions, incursions.
- Ship Replacement for loss during approved Corporation Ops (T1 only at the moment)
- Ore Refining Program
- Ore/Mineral Buy Back Program (10% less Jita price)
- Low Corporate tax rate
- Alliance Support
- Fun enviroment for you to enjoy the full potential of EvE Online.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-05-24 09:30:46
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