

Kinky Chaos Monkeys Spankers
Name Kinky Chaos Monkeys Spankers
Ticker KCMS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98100349

Members [0]


What we do:
* Null mining Ops w/ Support
* T1 Ship Building with a goal of Starting a Capital Ship Program.
* Planetary Mining Operations
* Fleeted Level 4 missions w/ Corp
* High Sec/Low Sec Exploration
* Research and Development

What we are looking for:
* Adult and active players (but real life always comes first)
* People sociable and with good team spirit
* People always willing to learn
* Miners
* Industrialists
* Haulers
* Fighters
* Capital Ship Pilots

What we have to offer:
* Free Starter Ships For New Players to Eve.
* Knowledge about how to optimize your character's development
* Advise on research and development
* Access to FREE Basic skillbooks
* Jump clone service "No standings Required"
* Good friends always willing to help out
* Advise on how to make isk
* Freedom to do what you want
* Lots of fun

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-02-28 08:23:39
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API J:15 Mar 10:37 K:15 Mar 10:34 C:15 Mar 11:34 A:15 Mar 11:33 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:15 Mar 11:12 S:15 Mar 11:31 W:15 Mar 11:15