

CelesTech Enterprises
Name CelesTech Enterprises
Ticker CETEN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98101388

Members [0]


CelesTech Enterprises offers players of all skill levels a foundation from which to grow. Whether you have been playing EVE since its release or have just registered, there is a place in our corporation for you.

What we do:
-Contract Shipping
-Heavy Industry
-PvE Combat
-PvP Combat

Operations Status:
-Weekly Orca-Supported Mining Ops [Highsec/Anoikis*]
-Semi Weekly Mission-Running [High-Lowsec]
-POS Bashing* [High-Lowsec/Anoikis]
-Incursion Running* [Highsec]
-Ratting [High-Low-Nullsec/Anoikis]
-PvP Roams [Nullsec/Anoikis]
-Wormhole Dives* [Anoikis]

-Skillbooks are provided for new players.
-The corporation may cover up to 15 percent on certain ship and module purchases.
-Low-rate shipping.

Rules and Expectations:
-Obscene, "politically incorrect" language must be kept on a tight leash.
-Highsec thuggery will not be tolerated.
-Do not initiate combat in Highsec or Lowsec unless our corporation is in a state of war with the opposing party or parties, especially valueble assets may be at stake, or the opposing parties have especially high bounties on their heads.
-No griefing.
-Be able to communicate via voice comms.
-Don't be stupid.

For recruiting and diplomacy, join the channel, CETEN Public.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 04:57:47
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