

Cylon Nation
Name Cylon Nation
Ticker C.NAT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98101690

Members [0]


The Cylons where Created as a slave to Humanity and its many corporations now after 40 years of fighting they have returned seeking to peacefully co-exist with the human population.

All in all they are peaceful and do not intend harm but thier reverance of resurrection means that they do not value life and if the quickest way to succeed is to kill they will do so Effeciently.

Now Cylons walk among all races in New Eden Looking for a place to fit in, and once they are together not even throwing yourselfs onto the clogs will stop this machine.

Role Playing Corporation Spanning across all EVE careers.

Now Recruiting.

Player Benifits.

-Cheaper ships as produced
-Training in Most area's of eve
-Loyalty Benifits (prizes and isk)
-Tornaments (with prizes)
-Access to Lvl 3 Missions
-Stealth recon support
-Fitting advice
-Inter corp sales at bargin rates
-and much much more.....

Currently Looking for a Player that can Fly a Noctis and that has Salvaging Skill lvl4 or 5 to run missions with gets a base wage and more..
Enquire For more Details

Contact New Caprica Six for more details or to Apply.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 03:52:31
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