

Sunbreaker Starbase Engineering
Name Sunbreaker Starbase Engineering
Ticker SUNSB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98101838

Members [0]


"When Alakoni Ishanoya, CEO of Lai Dai, decided it was time to widen its aspects in the market, she looked for a student engineer with promising potential. Soon after she had appointed Tornekh, a gallente immigrant who had stronger ties to the caldari society than that of his home, to establish a new corporation with the same qualities of the Lai Dai but a new product.
To make it all happen, Tornekh turned to contact Sunbreaker Federation for help, and would be able to fund the new corporation with help from Sunbreaker Investment Bank."

We are currently recruiting people with a wish to become some of the leading manufacturers of starbase & sovereignty structures. Our goal is to offer not only good prices, but also to an extend where we will be able to sell full POS builds (including fuel), and offer it all transported to the designated destination. This will give us a service that excceeds most other, and would make us able to grow in connections through New Eden.

What we do:
We do mining and planetary Interaction to be able to reach our goal as these fields are the fundamental blocks of our goal.
Join us, and become a part of a teamwork that will become unique in time. The alliance, Sunbreaker Federation, is our corporation associates, and we work extremely close with them.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-04-12 18:38:38
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