

Empire of Light
Name Empire of Light
Ticker .EOL.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98102893

Members [0]



This corporation allows you to do what you want.
We are strongly attached to our alliance, which we support if possible.
The short term for this, Corp is to build a strong and active corporation focusing on the combined team and teamwork.

We have a Amarr Empire background... so u need-to-be Supporting the Amarr Empire believe in it ...
All races are welcome :)

We are in amarr space and 0.0 space

PVP Fleet

We have an Anti-Piracy NRDS (NOT RED DON'T SHOOT)
Daily PvP fleets in 0.0 with alliance fleet.
Play PvP on your terms enemies the groove. (Play it safe)

Mission Running / Ratting

Team up with Alliance members/friends, do lvl 3-4's with.
0.0 anom’s and access to lvl 5 mission with the alliance.
0.0./high sec ratting suns team /


We have 0.0 access so if you have a jf = jump freighter u can make some good money bring in ships and selling them on the market
The Alliance often needs to transport things from high to 0.0 and other way around as well.

High sec pos's
0.0 No's
R / D Agents


We are buckling everything from 1t ship two super caps.
BPO and BPC are always needed :)


We have a lot of pi going on... mainly high sec :/
Help to make pos fuel and build stuff, if you are not doing some pi :) get it going!
lots of help to get in the alliance, if u are new or bad at it... it not a problem :)


High sec mining solo
High fleet mining orca Support
Count site (scan down ore belt) High / 0.0 space
0.0 Mining Fleets with scout, tanks and two rats hauler rorqual or orca support.

Long time goal

Personal goal for the corp... build a station and get system we can call home.

Trust in earned not given... Remember that!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-04-12 05:22:32
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