

The Publow Confederation
Name The Publow Confederation
Ticker PUBY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98104910

Members [0]


The Publow Confederation
The Nullsec Enterprise

Who are we?
The Publow Confederation is an organization of Pilots specializing in different aspects in Eve; from Incursion running to Titan Building - however every single one of us has a strong PVP backbone, allowing us to serve our alliance.

Can I join you?
Yes! Whether you're a trader, industrialist, miner or pirate, you'll be warmly accepted into The Publow Confederation, providing you are willing to train core PVP skills along side with your chosen profession in New Eden. Please contact Lord Publow regarding recruitment opportunties.

Corporation Goals:

- Help our alliance claim Sov in Null Sec
- Focus on recruitment
- Have a mixed member base of Newbies & Veterans
- To create a solid, yet relaxed environment for our members to thrive in.

Alliance Leader: Totals Dragon
Corporation Leader: Lord Publow

Currently recruiting dedicated people who want to step into a director role. The role invovles managing the hangars, going through corporation applications, monitoring APIs, checking for pesky spies and co-ordinating PVP and finances on a large scale. Please contact the CEO if you are interested - preferably you are a member of good standing within either the corporation or the alliance. Thieves, Spies and Troublemakers need not apply. Thanks, Lord Publow.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-04-13 18:38:45
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