

57th Combat Division
Name 57th Combat Division
Ticker 57CD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98110579

Members [0]


The 57th Combat Division is a new player friendly corporation centered on a combat first mentality. We don’t mind if you mine, mission or otherwise engage in icky industry but you must at a min be able and willing to defend yourself and others in the corporation and the greater alliance. We have a military structure for organizational purposes but absolutely do not “Role Play”. If you want to pretend to be in the military please check out Call of Duty or something.

We are NBSI that means if it’s not a friend our pilots are good to go to shoot it. Nothing personal if someone shot your ship all to shit that’s just the game.

If you want to be on out blue list it is pretty easy… Ask, we don’t charge or make demands for blue status that is just stupid. To be blue you need to blue us and if there is anything we can do to strengthen ties great otherwise stay out the way. Contact Argo Nalelmir for alliance blue.

If you’re looking to join us great we want PVP pilots lots of em. The more stone cold you are with your killing the better. Yes you can Gank, Yes you can Pirate PVP is not a bad word and it will not be considered so here.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-08-21 09:09:22
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