

The Legion of Tovil-Toba
Name The Legion of Tovil-Toba
Ticker TLOTT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98112267

Members [0]


The Legion of Tovil Toba. A militia of pilots dedicated to upholding the protection of Providence and training of our fellow capsuleers in combat in order to survive the rigors of deep space. Living their life on the edge of lawless space, or support themselves and their comrades in arms from the bustling web of Empire.

Founded on the principles and beliefs of a formal Caldari Navy Commander who was forced to obey an order to target and eliminate civillian targets during the campaign to liberate Caldari Prime, CEO/Founder Roland Cassidy chose to name this corporation after Admiral Tovil-Toba, a Caldari Navy Pilot who sacraficed himself in order to enable innocent men and women to flee Caldari Prime when it was first evacuated for New Caldari, Sparing the fledgling Empire trillions of untold deaths in it's earliest moments.

Under this banner, the watchful eye and the linked unions, The Legion of Tovil-Toba offers this small mission statement.

"Where ever there are Legionairres, there shall be hope... where ever our banner's fly, we will rally... we will teach those who wish to be taught, we will protect those who need to be protected, and we will find those who need our help and will will fight to ensure that no man or woman falls under the crushing boot of any empire, neither small or large."

The Legion offers:
PvP Training and Alliance Roams
Null Sec Home With Full Rights
Full functioning Null Logistics Jumpfreighter Services
New Player Training
Occasional Mining Fleets
Incursion Support
Locust Fleet Mission Running
Inter-Corporation Tournaments
Reduced Price Shipbuilding Services
Capital Ship Building Services
An Active Local Environment in our 0.0 Systems
High Sec Shell Corporation for Breaks without Break in Service
Rewards for Activities within the Corp
Full Access to Level 3 IHUB systems
Ship Replacement Program
Private and Null Alliance Teamspeak Servers and Intel Channels

The Legion of Tovil-Toba will be dedicated to the training and guidance to new pilots and to provide a a home for those who share a vision of a corp where no man or woman is a number.

We can build a corporation where every member looks forward to logging on. And I thank you for helping to do just that.

As a Null Sec PvP wing supporting a fully blue alliance, and an Empire based mission/Incursion running Entity, we are fortunate enough to be able to offer a wide variety of activities and corp supported functions that many others simply can't match. Originally Legion of Tovil-Toba, many of our veteran pilots have been playing for years and enjoy passing on their skills to the up and comming generation of new scrappers willing to fight the good fight and never back down from a challenge. We are actively recruiting pilots of all skill levels to participate in an active corp environment that supports the improvement of each member and makes no demands other than logging on, and being willing to enjoy a good slugfest in the depths of space.

Come join the Legion of Tovil-Toba

"Once a Legionairre, Always a Legionairre"

**Note we are an RP friendly Corp, not required, but always appreciated**

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-08-28 08:10:08
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