

Declaration Of War
Name Declaration Of War
Ticker W-DEC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98113041

Members [0]


Are you looking for Empire Wars and Mercenary work?
Are you looking for a corp that is 100% PVP?

If you have answered yes to any of the above you could find a home with W-DEC.

Established for over a year, W-DEC started its life as a Mercenary corp made up of ex 0.0 pilots that were fed up of 0.0 politics and blob warefare. After a few years of 0.0 W-DEC Decided to move back into the Mercenary business!

We pride ourselves on quality over quantity, often engaging targets that outnumber us as much as 3-1. We also pride ourselves in the social attitude our players have. Members are expected to socialise in corp chat and Ventrillo and have a good (with a occasionally warped) sense of humour.

We are looking to bolster our ranks with new and experienced pilots willing to learn and take part in Empire pvp. We are anti-pirate and maintain 23/7 wardecs when we do not have an active paid contract.

If your looking for 100% PVP, look no further - Carebears need not apply...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 03:47:30
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